Ok people, before reaching for stones to hit me with, please take a moment and breathe deep, counting to 10.
I do not have anything against gay or lesbian people, my friends know that I am a very accepting human being. There's place under the sun for all God's children.
Nevertheless, I cannot be other than shocked and saddened at the continuous news about more and more celebrities comming out of the closet and accepting that they are gay. My childhood hero, Richard Chamberlain, at almost 70 recognized this...and crushed my soul.
Now, Ricky Martin, the guy who fascinated me with his songs, telenovelas, whom I followed since I was a little girl, when singing in Menudo. I can say I knew this guy ever since I knew myself, he "grew up" with me, I fell in love for the first time while dancing "La Vida Loca" and "Hagamos el amor"...
I feel like I lost something, dear and old friends. My heart is bleeding, and it won't mend easily. Somebody told me once that things that one does not know about cannot hurt. SOOOOO TRUE!!!!
Why do people need to know such things?!?! I certainly didn't need to know with whom Ricky Martin sleeps every night- that's of his own business- if he's happy about it, why should I care?! Why would ANYBODY care?! He is an artist, just like Richard Chamberlain, and as such, he should be regarded, and appreciated. Their purpose in life is to entertain the public, nothing more than that.
Do we write in our resumees "heterosexual", or "homosexual"?! No! Do we ever discuss at an interview things related to personal life? No!
Than WHY should these things interfere in the careeers of the above-mentioned?! Bedroom life is IN THE BEDROOM, and should be kept that way. Period.
I am saddened beyond words.
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